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Students will lose this privilege and if applicable their parking privilege if found helping other students to leave school property illegally. Administration shall retain the right to revoke this privilege for any behavior that violates rules and guidelines for students as put forth in the student handbook, school calendar and school board policy. Late Arrival is designed for seniors who have late arrival or a first period study hall. Seniors may use the breakfast program in the cafeteria. If you choose to have breakfast, you may arrive at any time during 1st period (7:25-8:5548), report directly to the cafeteria and remain there until 8:5548 AM. All students who have late arrival must arrive on time for Titan Forum at 9:00am. their 2nd block class and be aware of any schedule changes. Students with early release, study hall or team study on their schedule are eligible for early release. Students who are approved are free to leave after 3rd block. Students are responsible to attend classes on time, when the daily schedule is changed, i.e. early dismissal days or when Titan Forum is extended. 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